Monday, August 1, 2011

Now That's Entertainment

When you are living small, You need to consider how to reduce everything to the smallest amount of space required. Fortunately with today's technology you have many options.  But some of those options can cost big bucks.  My solution is a bit simpler and cheaper. I have a standard laptop.  But its a little uncomfortable to curl up with your laptop and read a good book. Yes I know they make e-readers now, I actually have one but never use the thing.  I have a better solution that covers all the things I like in one small device.  I like to read mostly, watch an occasional movie, and listen to some music. On very very rare occasion I will play a video game. To do this I use a PSP (playstation portable) that has been modified so that I may read on it also.  I won't go into how to mod a PSP here, there are plenty of website that can supply that information. But I will forget my phone before I forget my PSP. It is that useful.  I have about 125 books, 10 movies, 100 songs and a couple of games on an 8 gig card. I also have a 16 gig card that has about 25 movies and an 8 gig card that is free for more movies, books or music. When I get tired of the data on those cards then I just switch it out on the computer.... no need for an android, mp3 player, ebook reader, etc. Oh, and did I mention it is wifi capable. Now why would I want to spend a few hundred on a android table. Especially when these can be picked up in most any pawn shop for 75-100 dollars

Here is a pic in e-reader mode. As you can tell my PSP is well loved (indicated by scratches).  This will read txt. rtf. pdf. html.  If you get your books in a propitiatory format such as epub, lit, mobi, etc... they are easily converted with a free software called Calibre.  You can get it here.  If you don't like the white on black, it can be reversed or actually adjusted to about any color scheme you want. This just happens to be my preference.

One word of caution about modding a PSP.  If you do this (or have it done) don't go to Sony and expect an update. It will render your PSP unusable. At least till you find someone who can "unbrick" it.  As with most corporations now days, Sony frowns on modifications to it's products. Naturally they would rather sell it to you again. My answer to that is "Would you buy a new car because you didn't like the wheels"?   No, you would modify the car by buying new wheels.  I paid for this, I now own it .... if I want to "change the wheels" so to speak. I will!

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